Monday, February 9, 2009

What's Guiding YOUR Life Right Now?

(Not his real hair!)
Maika - 19 months Aisea 3 1/2 Sikeli 5
Above and beyond all else - these 3 guide my life!!!

I love learning from other people!!! I love it when friends share what they're learning and doing. So often, their examples lead me to find new passions in my own life.

I had the most amazing weekend! I travelled to northern Utah, BY MYSELF!!! (Can you believe it?) I was able to visit some friends and help my cousin at a bridal show. I loved visiting old friends and I realized that email, phone and blogging does not cut it in terms of maintaining relationships. So much more happens with face to face conversation.

The themes in my life seemed to repeat themselves at each home, as I shared what interests me these days. In light of this experience, I thought I 'd make a list of "My Favorite Things" that have greatly impacted my learning:

1. The book entitled, "The Answer" by John Assaraf and Murray Smith The title can be misleading as it includes something about "how to grow any business" - do not be deceived! The information pertains to every day life. It shares a lot about neuroscience and the latest understandings of the conscious and unconscious minds, how to identify irrational beliefs and how to re-write them. It is life changing.

2. Book - "Leadership Education" by Oliver DeMille. This can be ordered through the George Wythe University bookstore - This is the educational paradigm we use in our family. Whether you're homeschooling or public schooling, this amazing book can show you a new way to think about education and can be implemented into your family culture as you see fit. You do not have to homeschool to be greatly blessed by this book. I Love it!
3. Book "Out of Our Minds" By Sir Ken Robinson - a researched backed look at educational & social paradigms and their exclusion of creativity as a standard part of curriculum and as a valued aspect of civilization, respectively. The irony presented is that what is needed now, more than ever, in the workplace, in leadership, etc. is.....CREATIVITY. We are moving into a new era - a shift equal to that which took place in the past as we merged from an agricultural civilization into an industrial one, then from industrial into technology, we are now in a new shift. Old ways of thinking will not work in the current, global market. Great book.

These are my "food for thought" nuggets.
4. As for my physical body, We are still way into cleansing and love the products from Isagenix. We see the benefits in our own family and extended family and friends. We also support the mission of the company.

5. Spiritually - Loving the November '08 Ensign. It's so interesting how much of it fits into and lends support, or clarifies, rather, to the other things I've been reading. Also the Strengthening Marriage course manual produced by the church and LDS Family Services.

6. Homebirth - a little manual called "Powerbirth" that also comes with a DVD - the single best education on homebirth. This is so simple and obviously natural to understand and to implement. Recommended for anyone who is curious about homebirths. Also, the DVD "The Business of Being Born" It's a must. If you are for or anti homebirth, this is an education - very provacative for one's thinking.
This is where I'm at right now and what's guiding my life.

Please share with me what is guiding YOUR life right now and what your "favorite things" are.


Janille said...

You just amaze me! How do you find that much time to read? You are such an inspiration!

I have to tell you something funny that Aisea said yesterday in class. We were talking about our earthly fathers and our Heavenly Father. Aisea out of the blue said, "My dad is skinny!" He is proud of his Skinny daddy! I thought it was cute.

Janille said...

Sorry! That was me. Just logged in as my class blog.

Noa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LauraLounsbury said...

Hi! A friend of mine sent me a link to your blog. I read about how you discovered about the powerbirth technique and that Liz is your midwife. I am glad she told you that she uses this technique. I didn't know that this was something she practices and so when I had her as my midwife with my 1st child in 2004 I was unable to make an informed decision about implementing it in my birth. I would like to share my birth story with you since I have experienced what this "powerbirth" is and I had Liz as a midwife as well. I don't really want to post it on your blog because it's your blog, not mine. If you would like to hear my story, please email me. I am separating each letter with equal spaces so that phishers don't pick it up.

t h e l o u n s b u r y s 1 @ y a h o o . c o m

Thanks again and I hope that you have a beautiful and blessed birth when you and your body are ready.